Can A Neutered Male Dog Get Stuck With A Female

By Marley •  Updated: 04/30/23 •  8 min read

We all like to think of our pet dogs as innocent and pure minded. How can you not believe this when they give you those puppy-dog eyes?

The truth is, dogs are randy. They can’t wait to spread those wild oats and will jump from first noticing a female to impregnantion before you can even shout their name. Castration can help a lot in reducing this behaviour but if you talk to a lot of dog owners you will discover that it doesn’t always cure the problem.

Yes, a neutered male dog can get stuck with a female if they mate together. Removing the testicles (neutering) does not prevent male dogs from experiencing erections so sexual intercourse is entirely possible. Never try to separate two dogs that are tied together following mating as this can cause pain and injuries.

So why do castrated males still want to mate with females and what causes dogs to end up tied together? Here is all you need to know about the real doggy style and why surgery isn’t always the answer to lifes many problems.

a pair of golden retriever dogs on the floor

The Canine Mating Process

When it comes to dogs making babies, the female is in charge. She will only come into heat twice a year so that’s two opportunities to get pregnant as opposed to the twelve chances we humans have.

If you’re new to dog breeding, then you may be confused about what ‘in heat’ actually means. To sum it up it’s essentially the period of time when the female dog is fertile. Her ovaries are either ready to or have already released an egg into the fallopian tube. All her hormones will be working to create the perfect environment to grow some puppies. She will be interested in male dogs and will stand still to allow them to mate with her.

At this special time, physical changes happen as well. Her vulva will swell and she will leak a bloody discharge. Her scent will be extremely interesting to any male dogs in the vicinity. She will be most fertile just after the bleeding stops but can still get pregnant for up to 4 weeks after this stage.

What Is The Copulatory Tie?

If the female dog is at this fertile point in her cycle then she will stand still and allow the male dog to mate with her. The male will sniff around her and become sexually aroused. His penis will swell to develop an erection and he will mount the female and enter her.

The copulatory tie is an evolutionary adaptation where a bulbous part of the penis swells during mating and becomes ‘stuck’ in the vagina. This creates a plug effect to stop the sperm from leaking back out and pushes it towards the cervix to help create a more successful mating.

When this happens the male and female cannot separate until the male’s erection has subsided. The male often dismounts the female and they remain tied, back end to back end until they are free to part ways. They can remain tied for anywhere from five minutes to forty-five minutes.

Swollen tissue in the penis of the male dog and the vagina of the female is relatively delicate. If you try to separate two dogs before they are ready you can cause damage to these areas. It’s best to try to remain calm and leave the dogs to let them sort themselves out.

What Is Neutering?

Neutering is a medical or surgical procedure that renders your dog infertile. It can be done by removing the sex organs or occasionally, adding in a hormone implant that prevents the reproductive system from functioning as usual.


A pair of dogs beside a lake

Castration is the procedure where the male dog’s testicles are surgically removed. The blood vessels and spermatic cord are tied off but the other glands like the prostate and penis are left intact. Removal of the testicles means that sperm cannot be produced. The testicles account for the vast majority of testosterone production so reduction of this hormone means the dog is less inclined to display sexual behaviours as well as aggression towards other male dogs.


Spaying is the term used for neutering a female dog. It is a surgical procedure where the ovaries and the womb are removed. Occasionally, just the ovaries are removed and the womb is left. This prevents pregnancies, reduces the risk of certain types of cancer, and removes the risk of pyometra (womb infection) which is a very common and often deadly condition in older female dogs.

Can a Neutered Male Dog Get Stuck With a Female?

Yes, a neutered male dog can still get stuck with a female. Although removing the testicles helps reduce sexual behaviour driven by the hormone testosterone, there’s still an element of this that is controlled by the brain. This means that certain dogs will still experience the urge to hump and mount other dogs even after castration.

Castrated dogs can still get an erection so getting tied to a female is entirely possible. This tends to be more common in recently castrated dogs as there’s still hormones left in their system. The other big consideration in recently castrated dogs is that they can still impregnate an entire female.

How Long After Neutering is a Male Dog Fertile?

Sperm from the male dog needs to enter the vagina, swim up through the cervix, through the womb and up the fallopian tube to meet the egg in order for pregnancy to result. Sperm is produced in the testes so it makes sense that if we remove the testicles then pregnancy cannot happen.

The caveat is, sperm can survive for a while after they have made their way out of the testicles. They can sit in the spermatic cords and the urethra and can end up inside the female if mating occurs. It can take up to six weeks for a male dog to lose their fertility so they should be kept well away from any entire females until this time has passed.

Can a Neutered Male Dog Mate With a Spayed Female Dog?

A neutered male dog can in theory mate with a spayed female dog. The chances of this are fairly low as both parties are unlikely to show a huge amount of interest once the operations have been carried out. A spayed female is unlikely to stand and allow the male to mate her but it does happen on rare occasions. A female dog is sterile the moment she has been spayed so if this does happen, you do not need to worry about unwanted pregnancies.

How Do I Tell If My Dog Is Pregnant?

A dog looking shifty in front of his owners

It can be really difficult to tell whether of not your dog is pregnant. The average length of pregnancy for a dog is 63 days or around 2 months after mating. For the first 25 days there is no good way to say for sure if your dog is pregnant but after this point a veterinarian can perform an abdominal ultrasound scan to check for puppies.

Reasons To Castrate Your Male Dog

Avoid Unwanted Pregnancy

The obvious reason for castration is to remove the chance of unwated pregnancies. This allows you to keep mixed sex dogs together without worrying.

Prevents Misadventure

Male dogs will go to extreme lengths to seek out a female who’s in heat. The instinct is extremely strong and dogs will break out of cages, open doors, and even run into traffic. They can suffer from a lot of injuries or even just get lost so castration can help put your mind at ease.

Reduce Aggression

Aggression towards other dogs can be driven by testosterone so removal of the testes can reduce this. Castration can be beneficial but in some cases it can make dogs worse so it’s always worth a discussion with your veterinarian or a behviour specialist if you’re concerned about your dogs behaviour.

Removes Risk of Testicular Cancer

Without any testes, the chance of testicular cancer is removed. This affects up to 27% of un-neutered male dogs so is definitely a concern.

Reduces the Risk of Prostatic Issues

Castration reduces the chance of prostate enlargement which is a condition that affects up to 95% of intact dogs over 9 years of age. Although the condition is benign, it can cause issues with urination and defecation as well as being generally very painful for your dog.

Reduces Other Unwanted Behaviours

Unwanted beaviours such as inappropriate urination and sexual behaviours like humping tend to reduce following castration. Unfortunately though, castration isn’t a magic cure and if you have any concerns about your dogs behaviour it’s best to seek veterinarian advise or take your dog to a behaviouralist.


Dogs will find all kinds of reasons to get it on and castration does not always put a stop to this. A neutered male dog can mate and tie with a female so it’s always best to not leave them alone together, especially if it’s been less than six weeks since the castration. Never try to separate a pair of tied dogs and if you think your female dog is pregnant, call your veterinarian for advise as soon as possible.


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